How to boost your immune system

We’ve all been there: the scratchy throat, sneezing and lack of energy. You’re getting sick – but you have so many things to do, especially if you are a small business owner or working your way to the top at your company. You don’t have time to waste recovering from a cold or flu. You live a busy life, and you need to live a healthy life too. You need to know how to boost your immune system.

Your immune system is crucial to your overall health – and the importance of your health to your energy levels and productivity can’t be overstated. A healthy body has better defenses against invading viruses and bacteria, fighting off colds, flus and worse. With the right habits and the help of supplements to boost the immune system, you can help your body operate at peak performance.

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4 ways to boost the immune system

To discover how to boost your immune system, you must treat your body right by changing your diet, discovering the life-changing power of superfoods and vitamins and embracing an exercise routine. You won’t just boost your immune system – you’ll transform your whole life.

1. Eat the right foods for overall health

What you feed your body doesn’t just affect your weight or your appearance. It affects your energy levels, your ability to focus and all your body’s internal processes, including your immune system. Giving your body the nutrients it needs is one of the best ways to boost your immune system, plus experience the energy and focus you’ve always wanted.

It’s all about balance. Healthy eating is important to keep your body running at its most optimal state. Think of the food you eat as your body’s fuel. You wouldn’t put diesel fuel into your unleaded gas tank, so don’t put the wrong fuel in your body. What your body needs is an alkaline diet to balance out your blood’s pH and complement the function of the stomach.

Many of our favorite foods and drinks are acidic: coffee, alcohol, dairy, processed meat and sugar all cause higher acidity in the body. You don’t need to stop eating them altogether. But if you’re wondering how to boost your immune system, you need a diet that’s made up of 75% alkaline foods and beverages such as:

  • Fresh lemon water
  • Alkaline water
  • Almond milk
  • Almonds, flaxseed and pine nuts
  • Amaranth or quinoa
  • Lentils
  • Avocado
  • Papaya and kiwi
  • Cucumbers
  • Garlic
  • Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli
  • Leafy green vegetables like spinach


To add flavor to your meals, skip the salt and pepper and use alkalizing spices like ginger, turmeric and curry powder. Popular cooking oils like olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil are also alkaline.

Consider supplementing your diet with superfoods like elderberry, maca root, noni fruit, goji berries and chia seeds. These foods to boost your immune system have other positive effects too, like lowering cholesterol and even helping fertility. Think you don’t have time to seek out superfoods? Just put a scoop of Tony Robbins’ BioEnergy Greens in your water once a day.

2. Seek out supplements to boost the immune system

Superfoods aren’t the only way to boost the immune system. Vitamins and other supplements are also key. You probably know that vitamin C is an essential part of how to boost the immune system when sick. Many people reach for orange juice or over-the-counter supplements when they feel a cold coming on. You can start by reaching for Tony Robbins’ Immunoboost-C powder.

Several B vitamins are also important for a healthy immune system and a healthy brain. Vitamin B6 helps your body make T-cells and white blood cells, which are both critical to fighting off disease. 

Vitamin B12 helps make red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body – including to your immune system and your brain.  Other vitamins to boost the immune system include:

Zinc – Selenium – Iron – Folic acid – Vitamin A – Vitamin B6 – Vitamin E

3. Build healthier habits

If you’re getting the impression that learning how to boost your immune system is really about your overall health, you’re right. While there are supplements and quick fixes that can help you get over a cold more quickly, truly strengthening your immune system requires eliminating bad habits and replacing them with healthy ones. The top lifestyle choices that hurt your immune system include:

  • Smoking
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Carrying too much weight
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Elevated stress levels


Even though we know these things are bad for us, we continue to live unhealthy lifestyles because we’ve become accustomed to these habits. Developing healthier habits isn’t always easy, but when we do the work and begin to associate good choices with pleasure instead of pain, the cycle of success can begin.

You can start right now: Find exercise you enjoy and do it every day, even if it’s walking the dog. Replace your morning cereal with a healthy breakfast and your evening glass of wine with a cup of tea. Reduce stress with meditation, yoga and self-care. Your immune system will thank you.

4. Stay healthy in the workplace

If you’re a business owner, your plan to increase your profits and grow your business must include improving the health and wellness of your employees. As an employee, the workplace is one of the most common places you can get sick – and you can pass your illness on to others. When it comes to how to boost your immune system to help prevent missed workdays and taking germs home to your family, there are several things you can do. 

First, ensure the environment is clean. Wipe down surfaces regularly with disinfecting wipes, including thermostats, door handles and kitchen appliances. The more frequently something is used, the more it needs to be cleaned. When you enter a conference room, wipe down any remotes or markers you’ll need to use. 

You can also keep vitamin C-based cold preventatives like Immunoboost-C at your desk. They work best when taken at the very first sign of a cold, so you’ll want immediate access to them. They’re also ideal for boosting the immune system when you’re sick, so keep a stash at home too. In addition to supplements to boost the immune system, make sure you have access to plenty of healthy snacks instead of processed ones. Nuts, fruits and vegetables will boost the immune system and keep you healthy. 

To boost the immune system, start with your diet and incorporate alkaline foods, superfoods and vitamin and mineral supplements. Living a balanced lifestyle and ensuring that extends to the foods you eat is the first step to conquering that cold – before it holds you back from achieving your goals.

Ready to ditch the common cold?

Discover how to boost your immune system with the expert strategies in this free Ultimate Health Guide.