We found 122 results containing "accomplish goals"

gratitude and abundance

What is an abundance mindset?

Have you ever been to a nice restaurant, had a delicious dinner in a beautiful environment with great service, then received a bill that nearly made you fall out of your seat? How did that change your mood? Did you walk out of the restaurant raving about the experience or lamenting over the bill? Instead […]

legacy at work

20 New Year goal ideas

How many times have you made New Year resolutions? How many times have you actually seen them through? At the start of a new year, “resolution” is the word of the day, yet many of us struggle with giving a resolution meaning, much less making it stick. We seek out New Year resolution ideas, but […]

Not feeling good enough?

Many Americans struggle with feelings that they are not good enough. Our high-powered culture is competitive and encourages us to look outside ourselves for our self-worth. Magazines show us the ideal body, movies show us unrealistic love stories and television shows us all of the things we could own, if only we had more money. […]

What is biohacking?

You’ve heard of hacking computers, hacking smartphones and hacking email. You’ve even heard of hacking elections. But what about hacking your body? The concept is called biohacking. While it may sound like something out of Brave New World, it’s really all about self-improvement, and there are numerous ways to incorporate methods of biohacking your body […]

what is productivity

What is productivity, really?

pro·duc·tiv·i·ty /ˌprōˌdəkˈtivədē,ˌprädəkˈtivədē/ The classic productivity definition is “a way to measure efficiency.” In an economic context, productivity is how to measure the output that comes from units of input. Farming makes for a good example: One acre of land that produces 10 pumpkins? That’s not very productive. But one acre of land that produces 2,000 […]

what motivates you to take action man jogging

What motivates you in life?

When was the last time you smiled, not because you felt like it, but just for the sake of smiling? You’d probably do it more often if you knew that smiling was making you happier. That’s right! If you made all the facial expressions you make when you’re excited, elated and thrilled, even when you […]

what is productivity

How to manage your life

The expectations you set for yourself are sky-high: You want to dominate at work, be an exceptional provider for your family, stay in incredible shape and find ways to give back to your community. People often describe you as an “overachiever,” and in the past, this title made you proud. But you’ve realized that the […]

feeling joy

How to find joy

How often do you feel joy – a truly pure, unadulterated feeling of delight, bliss and happiness? As children, joy was a familiar feeling for many of us. As we become adults, we’re given more and more rules to follow. We start climbing the career ladder, raising families and working toward financial freedom. Along the […]

don’t give up on your dreams

Don’t give up on your dreams

 Life is hard. The world is changing rapidly. For many it feels like it’s spinning out of control. When events beyond your control seem to be shaping your destiny, giving up on your dreams is tempting. Yet now is the time when you need those dreams more than ever. No one starts out in life […]

leadership skills woman standing at head of conference table speaking

Developing leadership skills

You’re the boss of a company. Lately you’ve noticed that the work is being completed at a steady pace, but you’re noticing a lack of enthusiasm from your team. What do you do? Your first thought might be to talk to your employees or to provide an incentive to boost morale. But your attention is […]