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Unleash the Power Within


How Jay and Fariha improved their lives and their relationship through UPW

Posted by: Team Tony

Do you know anyone who always seems to be pleasant and upbeat? Someone who see the glass as “half full” and who always looks on the bright side? Most of us probably have someone in our lives like this, and we might wonder, what do they have that we don’t?

The answer is: nothing! Learning how to have a positive attitude is something anyone can do. It’s a matter of changing your mindset.

Fariha learned about the power of positive thinking firsthand at Unleash the Power Within, but her journey began long before that.

Putting your partner first

Tony Robbins says, “The only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.” We all have rough patches, but when you have a partner who truly puts you first, you can grow through the challenge and emerge stronger than ever. Jay and Fariha have been there. Jay shared his experience in developing a positive attitude just when Fariha needed it most.

“I met Jay six months after I had gotten divorced. It was a dramatic time in my life,” Fariha said. “He was always happy, he had a kick in his step like a little kid. I asked him why and he just said, ‘Why not? I’m happy about everything that I have and I’m grateful for it.’ Being by my side through such a tough time really motivated me to make some changes in my life.”

Gratitude is the most powerful emotion you can cultivate to help you live in a more positive state. As Tony says, “Trade your expectations for appreciation and your whole world changes in an instant.” You must also cultivate other emotions, like passion and hunger, in order to change your mindset and learn how to have a positive attitude in a lasting way. For Fariha, that’s exactly what happened when Jay introduced her to Tony’s philosophies.

Developing a positive attitude

Jay showed Fariha what it meant to live with gratitude and positivity, but she still needed some support to make actionable changes in her life. She had gained 20 pounds and was dealing with a chemical addiction that was affecting her work and her relationships. Her limiting beliefs were holding her back from fully embracing the changes she needed to make —but Jay was there to help her through.

“Every day I would hear from Jay, ‘You should really listen to Tony Robbins’ tapes and YouTube videos,’” said Fariha. “He started playing the programs in the car while we’d be driving and I thought, ‘Okay, this is interesting.’ Jay was using a lot of the concepts to help me, but hearing Tony say them helped make more sense.”

For Fariha, attending UPW was the life-changing catalyst she needed to ignite her passion and her hunger to live in a more positive state.

“When I finally decided to attend UPW, I was amazed. I was expecting four days of Tony speaking and maybe learning some techniques, but nothing I’d imagined compared to what I actually saw. I didn’t know concepts like limiting beliefs or the six human needs. Learning those, and actually writing them down and talking with people, put things into perspective in a way I had never experienced before. UPW beats anything that I’ve ever experienced. It has made me see life, love and success in a different way.”

Fariha found that this powerful firsthand experience helped her to understand herself, her choices and how she could change her mindset. Unleash the Power Within was the push she needed to find her purpose and start living the life she dreamed of.

“I found myself again and it’s helped me to do things that actually make me happy,” she said.

That’s the ultimate success story.

Are you ready to find your ultimate success story? At Unleash the Power Within, you’ll learn powerful strategies to transform all aspects of your life. Master your story, elevate your mindset and create the extraordinary life you deserve.

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