The Story
Extraordinary lives answer to a higher calling

An extraordinary life is one on your terms, both of deep meaning and incredible impact. Driven by the pursuit of excellence and guided by a profound sense of purpose, Tony Robbins has inspired millions to dream bigger and reach higher.
The start of a bigger story
Tony didn’t come from wealth.
As a child he had four different fathers and an intense mother. Food was scarce. One Thanksgiving a man knocked on the door holding bags filled to the brim with groceries — an anonymous gift from someone who knew his family was struggling. Tony’s father at the time was immediately angered and tried to refuse the gift. But Tony was overjoyed. This was more food than they’d had in a long time.

The secret to living is giving
What he realized that day is meaning means everything.
To his father this gesture meant he was a failure. He became angry — and stayed that way. But to Tony this meant strangers care. And if strangers could care, he could too.
This was the catalyst for Tony becoming a practical psychologist. He became obsessed with learning what causes one person to thrive and another to remain stuck. Gathering knowledge about success from the world’s best, he set out to help people become the best version of themselves, no matter their circumstances.
Nearly 5 decades later Tony and Sage have served over 100 million people from 195 countries through his books, audio and video training, and live events.
And there’s one guiding principle he’s learned — the secret to living is giving.

A life dedicated to a greater purpose
Tony’s innate desire to give back is why he continues to do what he does today, impassioning more than 30 thousand people at a time for 14 hours a day to step up to the best version of themselves. And it’s the driving force behind his work to fight global hunger, provide grants to health and human services organizations, and implement life-changing curriculum in correctional facilities around the country.

“I decided that I was going to find a way, somehow, someday, to give back and pay it forward. ”

Tony Robbins
Now he’s a #1 New York Times bestselling author, the nation’s #1 Life and Business Strategist, and has impacted millions with his life-changing events.
He’s been named in the top 50 of Worth Magazine’s 100 most powerful people in global finance for three consecutive years, honored by Harvard Business Press as one of the "Top 200 Business Gurus", and by American Express as one of the "Top Six Business Leaders in the World" to coach its entrepreneurial clients.
Fortune’s cover article named him the “CEO Whisperer.”
And it’s why leaders call upon him to help them lead.
“Tony Robbins helped me discover what I am really made of. With Tony's help, I've set new standards for myself, and I've taken my tennis game—and my life—to a whole new level!”
“I feel on top of the world. I feel incredible, I feel motivated, I feel empowered. I am the master of my own destiny.”
“Tony Robbins has been one of the critical keys to's leadership in cloud computing and its growth into an over $6 billion dollar company.”
“Tony is top... and it’s not just about words. There's an action and a structure to what he's saying. He's shaping up to be a life coach of mine, and I'm very happy with that.”
"No matter who you are, no matter how successful, no matter how happy, Tony has something to offer you."
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A System for Change
Comprised of 4 key parts, the Robbins Success System can close the gap between where you are and where you want to go.
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An Impact with Scientific Proof
A rigorous study from Stanford University’s Snyder Lab of Genetics found lasting benefits for Tony Robbins event attendees.