How To Be Confident: 12 Powerful Strategies to Unleash Confidence

Imagine life if you faced every challenge with unshakeable confidence. How would you feel? What would you accomplish? How would it transform your relationships? Whether it’s a negotiation, a public speech, or attracting your ideal partner, learning how to be confident has the power to change your entire life.

Why Confidence Matters

There’s no doubt that our world is ever-changing. And with this flow of change comes a great deal of uncertainty. Knowing how to be confident matters because it creates certainty in uncertain situations. When everyone else is unsure what to do and someone with confidence steps up to speak, people pay attention. Someone with certainty and confidence – even if they’re wrong – will lead others. And the greatest leaders are the ones who use confidence as a force for good.

Confidence is critical whether you want to change your life or influence the world around you. A confident person can create a compelling future for themselves and for others who might feel like giving up. They can handle conflicts effectively and make a convincing case for why something should be done. They move people to action. Their confidence allows them to build rapport quickly and ignites the passion of a rockstar team to achieve the seemingly impossible.

Whether it’s your relationships, your emotions, your finances, your business, or any other area of life, confidence has the power to change your world.

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Core Principles Of Being Confident

Confidence isn’t something you get from others, it’s something you earn for yourself. It’s earned by doing what’s hard and developing the self-discipline required to transform your goals into reality. It’s an emotion created within yourself – a feeling of absolute certainty that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to.

Deeply tied to confidence, certainty is one of our basic psychological human needs. Everyone values some needs more than others, and how you prioritize those needs affects every decision you make in life. If your top need is certainty and that need is unmet, you might feel unsure and lack confidence. If your need for certainty is satisfied, you’ll feel more confident. The Driving Force Quiz is an excellent tool to determine your top human need and see how it’s affecting your confidence.

The most confident people always find a way to meet their need for certainty – even when surrounded by uncertainty. Sometimes it’s by creating an inner drive to find answers or opportunities in the uncertainty. Other times it’s simply by having faith – faith in themselves, faith in a strategy, faith that it’ll all work out for the best. No matter the approach, the similarity is they know how to create an emotional state of confidence.

So, the key to remember about confidence is to believe in yourself and have faith that all you need is within you now – all the courage, all the conviction, all the confidence is already within you. No matter your outcome, you have everything you need to achieve it.

The challenge is knowing how to awaken the confidence that’s already within you. The good news is you can learn how to be confident and change your emotional state in an instant – no matter what’s going on around you. Here are three core principles to use that will awaken your inner confidence.

1. Create The Physiology Of Confidence

One of the fastest ways to change your emotional state is by radically changing your physiology – or the physical state of your body. Simply model the physiology of the state you want to feel – such as confidence – and you’ll begin to feel it. Think about what a confident person does with their body. Do they stand up straight or slouch over? Is their breathing fast and shallow? Or are they strong, deep, controlled breaths?

Intuitively, we already know the body language of confidence, so all we need to do is consciously model that physiology: Stand tall and open up your chest. Maintain brisk, purposeful strides when you walk. For some, this might even include diet and exercise to physically strengthen the muscles involved in a confident posture, making it easier to create confidence on demand.

Tony Robbins has taught physiology for decades and more recent research on “power poses” supports how effective this approach truly is. In controlled studies, research participants stood with their hands on their hips like Superman or made other confident poses for a few minutes. Not only did results show that participants felt more confident, but these changes were even reflected at the biochemical level.

Building your inner strength does not need to be complex. Sometimes it’s as simple as changing how you feel by changing how you use your body.

2. Focus On Confidence

Whatever you focus on, you will feel – whether it’s true or not. Changing your focus affects confidence because your emotional state is deeply tied to your habitual patterns. Do you focus more on your progress and current achievements? Or the goals you haven’t reached? Are you imagining all the ways something could go wrong? Or are you focusing on all the ways it could go right?

The truth is, what’s wrong is always available but so is what’s right. If you have a presentation, focus on how you will nail it by rehearsing and visualizing how proud you’ll feel for doing it. Questions are another power tool for directing focus. For example, instead of asking “Why do I keep failing?”, ask better questions like “How can I learn and grow from this experience?” When you ask better questions, you get better answers.
Whatever you focus on becomes your reality. By changing your focus, you’re changing your state. And by changing your state, you will change your life.

Where focus goes, energy flows – Tony Robbins

3. Use Language and Meaning to Transform Emotions

Words create our reality. They’re how we make sense of the world and language is how we define what things mean. By changing our words, we can change the stories we tell ourselves and transform our emotions. If there’s one formula to remember, it’s this:


If we’re not feeling confident, a simple shift in our self-talk can turn feelings of defeat into feelings of empowerment. For instance, if you lose a job and notice your brain describing it as “the end of the world”, a shift in language can change the experience into “an opportunity to discover a meaningful career”. This new meaning is where confidence comes from, especially when you combine it with changes in focus and physiology. The real secret to mastering emotions like confidence is to change the meaning behind the emotion to one that empowers you, rather than a meaning that holds you back.

where focus goes energy flows

12 Powerful Strategies For How To Be Confident

The principles above are incredibly useful for mastering your emotions and learning how to be confident. With practice, you’ll get better at creating a sense of certainty and cultivating a confident mindset. For the most impact, it starts with making a real decision to become more confident, right now. Tony Robbins often reminds us to never leave the scene of a decision without taking action toward its realization. To get started, here are some specific actions you can take that utilize at least one of the core principles of confidence.

1. Conquer Your Limiting Beliefs

Beliefs are a habitual feeling of certainty about something. While some beliefs are useful, people often form limiting beliefs about what they are capable of. This can happen when they form a belief that was useful in one situation but is now outdated in their current life. This can lead to self-sabotage and hold you back from your true potential. Overcoming these limiting beliefs is the first step to total confidence. Ask yourself: Which beliefs are creating a lack of confidence? Negative emotions like self-doubt are deeply connected to our beliefs about emotions, such as when it’s appropriate to feel them and what these emotions mean. But the truth is, feelings of self-doubt are often a helpful signal – a signal to let go of limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones.

2. Practice Self-Love

Learning how to be confident also means you need to love yourself first. Determine your values, and be proud of them. Embrace your strengths and overcome fears by coaching yourself through them or learning to let go. It’s about appreciating who you are and what makes you unique from everyone else on the planet. When you start questioning your self-belief, remember to love yourself first.

3. Connect Purpose To Your Goals

Why is learning how to gain confidence important to you? Do you present at conventions where you interact with a large number of people? Do you run a company or a team and need to level up your leadership skills? Maybe you’ve started dating and want to make a good impression when you meet a potential partner. Whatever it is, be sure it’s something that moves you at an emotional level. Knowing your purpose for achieving a goal creates an empowering meaning that makes you feel confident and driven.

4. Create A Growth Mindset

What thoughts do you focus on when feeling confident? Are those thoughts limited to prior successes only – that you can only be confident after becoming wildly successful? While there’s some truth to this, core beliefs like this can limit you. Confidence doesn’t come from outward achievements but our perception of those external events. Being confident means that if you do fail, you can pick yourself back up, learn something valuable, and view it as an opportunity for growth. When you adopt a growth mindset, every action is a success because the “failures” are perceived as lessons that move you closer to your goal, boosting your confidence in reaching it.

5. Celebrate Your Achievements

No matter how small they may seem, celebrating your wins is critical for building confidence because it helps sustain momentum over the long run. The external world does not always reward you for your progress, which is why it’s so important to reward yourself. This could be as simple as taking a moment to feel proud and grateful, treating yourself to a favorite meal, or sharing your achievement with loved ones. When you acknowledge your accomplishments, it strengthens your confidence and inspires you to take on new challenges.


If you’re feeling discouraged, sometimes all you need to do is reframe your life conditions and change your perspective on failure. Tony has said, “I’ve come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy.” One of his best tips for how to be confident is this: see failures as opportunities, not obstacles. Focus on the positive meaning, instead of the negative. Embrace all of the gifts of life – and live fearlessly.


Practicing gratitude is essential for mastering your emotions because you cannot feel fearful and grateful simultaneously. Gratitude moves you away from a scarcity mindset and brings your attention to the fact that you are already enough and have everything you need within you. Gratitude allows you to look around and see all the blessings in your life. And when you already have enough, it gets easier to take action with confidence. In this state, you view life through a lens of curiosity where you seek to learn something rather than fixate on achieving your goal immediately. As a result, every new thing you learn becomes a success that you can savor and feel grateful for, which inevitably builds your confidence.

“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” – Tony Robbins


One of the best strategies for how to be confident is to reflect on your past accomplishments, focusing on the success you’ve already achieved. The meaning we give to our experience shapes our beliefs about ourselves. If you’re nervous or unsure about an upcoming situation, shift focus to a time when you overcame similar challenges. This lets you reframe your current challenge and access the empowering memories that prove your capabilities. If you struggle to remember past successes, create a “success journal” to document your accomplishments that you can revisit whenever you feel unconfident. These past successes hold deep personal meaning and can reignite your confidence when you need it most.

9. Prime Yourself With a Confidence Routine

Another powerful strategy to build confidence is to make it part of your daily routine. For example, you could implement a mindfulness meditation practice that focuses on your core competencies. Or if you want a more powerful practice, start your day with Tony Robbins’ daily priming ritual. This ritual incorporates gratitude and is a powerful way to build confidence using your body and your voice Tony calls incantations. By weaving confidence into your daily life, you’ll set the tone for the day, prime yourself for success, and build the confidence to tackle whatever comes your way.

10. Unlock The Power Of Proximity

Proximity is power. We tend to play at the same level as the people we spend the most time with. When you have proximity to people who are confident, you feel compelled to be more confident yourself. You’ll learn more, grow more, contribute more, and become more than you ever thought possible. And it goes both ways – when you become confident, you’re more likely to attract others who are confident. Some specific ways to do this are to find a mentor or join a mastermind group of people with similar goals.

11. Feed Your Mind

If you want life to get better, you need to get better. Tony Robbins’ mentor, Jim Rohn, always emphasized the importance of feeding your mind daily. Feeding your mind means learning something new every day – something that’ll improve the quality of your life or those you care about. Absorb the wisdom from inspirational quotes. Read a book by others who already achieved your goals. Learn about new topics that you want to gain confidence in. Constantly find a way to feed your mind and you’ll feel more confident. The key is to use what you learn each day – take some form of action. Because knowledge is not power, knowledge is potential power. Applied knowledge is true power.

12. Retool Your Skill Set By Learning New Skills

Change is automatic. Progress is not. In the face of change, it’s natural to experience fear and anxiety. But when you believe in yourself, you realize that the purpose of those emotions is to encourage you to take action, not to hold you back. When you master a new skill, it sends a powerful message to your mind that you are not limited by your current knowledge or skills. It demonstrates that you have the capacity to learn, improve, and achieve things you may have previously thought were beyond your reach. Whether you learn how to write code or use artificial intelligence, you’ll increase your confidence. If the marketplace values the skill, the best part is you become more valuable, which leads to more confidence and new opportunities that you didn’t have before.

Unleash Your Confidence

Confidence is essential for an extraordinary quality of life. It empowers you to tackle challenges and achieve the impossible. Harness the power of your physiology, your focus, and your ability to create empowering meanings for any experience you face. When you implement these principles and strategies, you’ll have the strength to take bold steps and confidently shape your future. This is your moment to rise and transform your life as you unleash your unshakeable confidence.

Ready to learn how to be confident?

Attend Unleash The Power Within to challenge your limiting beliefs, develop your strengths and discover how to be more confident in life.

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