New Year's Resolution for Entrepreneurs: Find Your Accountability Partner

accountability partner

Have you had the experience of starting off your new year strong, only to have your goals derailed by procrastination, lack of motivation, excuses or simply the grind of daily life? This is the year for that to change. This is the year that you will transform your business by sticking to your goals and staying consistent. The key is to find an accountability partner.

An accountability partner is like a personal coach and a cheerleader rolled into one. They keep you on track, celebrate your wins and encourage you when your willpower fades. An accountability partner pushes you past your comfort zone and gives you the tough love you need when you are falling short. With an accountability partner in your corner, you are much more likely to stay focused, follow through and crush your goals in record time.

Leveraging others to help you succeed

In this sense, leveraging doesn't mean taking advantage of someone but a mutually beneficial relationship that pushes both partners to succeed. A perfect example of this type of leverage is the relationship between Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

Gates and Buffett met by chance at a party hosted by Bill Gates’ parents in the 1990s. They hit it off immediately, connecting through their shared passion for business, entrepreneurship and philanthropy. They didn’t share the same skill sets—Bill Gates founded Microsoft and shaped the entire computer industry, while Warren Buffet was a legendary investor and the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway.

However, over decades of friendship, they found ways to collaborate and expand both their talents and influence. They challenged each other to learn more and to do more. Their relationship and exchange of ideas profited both of their companies.

They held each other accountable beyond their respective businesses. Gates and Buffet believed that wealth should be used to make a difference in the world and address pressing global issues. Together, they created the Giving Pledge, a historic initiative encouraging some of the world’s wealthiest individuals to donate at least half of their wealth to philanthropic causes during their lifetime.

There are many other examples of successful individuals who leveraged an accountability partner to accelerate their progress. Venus and Serena Williams have been pushing each other since they were children. Mark Zuckerberg had Sheryl Sandberg, Oprah had Gayle King, Matt Damon had Ben Affleck.

What makes a good accountability partner?

Now that you understand how valuable an accountability partner is to your growth as an entrepreneur and business leader, how do you find one? First, let’s start with what an accountability partner is not.

Social support vs. accountability partner

When most of us want support and encouragement, we turn to friends, family members and loved ones. It’s a good thought. The people who love us want us to succeed, and they have the best intentions. Plus, they are almost always around. What could be better?

The problem is that those close to us might have the best intentions, but they usually aren’t trained or experienced in effective accountability strategies. In addition, they might be too close. They love you unconditionally, making it hard to view you and your business objectively and offer criticism when needed. They don’t want to let you down or see you disappointed, meaning they might not provide the real accountability you need.

A partner to guide and challenge you

An effective accountability partner will push you to be your best. They can see your weaknesses and shortcomings and challenge you to improve. Here’s what you need from an accountability partner:

Someone to help you set effective goals

An accountability partner will help you hone in on the purpose behind your goals. Remember that why comes before how. They will ensure that your goals are clear and specific. Clarity is power.

A partner who can take a personal approach

Your goals will have power when they are connected to a purpose, and that purpose should be aligned with your personal values and experience. An accountability partner will also help you tailor your goals to your unique situation. A partner can often see your strengths, weaknesses and challenges more clearly than you can.

Someone to measure and record your progress

Contrary to popular belief, it is progress that brings us joy, not results. But without measuring our progress, it is easy to miss it or lose momentum. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.

Once you start measuring, you’ll notice your progress more often, increasing your drive to do more and accomplish more. An essential role of an accountability partner is to help you track your progress. This way, they can celebrate your wins or get you back on track when needed.

Someone who can identify what is holding you back

So often, our own mentality, insecurities and fears hold us back from reaching our goals. We tell ourselves that we are not smart enough, capable enough, well-connected enough or brave enough to attain success. It’s okay to be afraid, but you can’t let fear hold you back from what you are capable of. An accountability partner will help you identify the limiting beliefs holding you back and move past them.

Someone to push you to a higher level

An accountability partner needs to challenge you and inspire you to greater things. The most effective accountability partners and mentors are individuals who are playing at a higher level than you are. The people in your inner circle will have the greatest influence on your future success. We tend to rise to the level of the people we spend the most time with, so choose your partners carefully. The more time you spend learning from the kind of leader you aspire to be, the faster you’ll grow.

A great accountability partner will push you to do more and be more. They will challenge your excuses and expand your vision for what is possible. Because they have had greater success, their benchmarks will become your new standards. Proximity is power. When you're in proximity to people who are playing at a higher level, you’re going to step up.

Where can you find an accountability partner?

Since you don’t want your accountability partner to be a close friend or family member, how do you find one? Make sure that no matter what route you go to find a mentor, you are offering value in return. An effective relationship needs to go both ways, and you will find more fulfillment if you give as much or more than you are taking.

Leverage your professional networks.

Is there another entrepreneur that you admire and respect? Is there someone you went to school with or worked with in the past who shares similar goals and ambitions?

Join industry-specific groups or organizations.

Depending on your field, there may be professional organizations where you can network with other industry leaders. Look into local chapters, seminars or associations relevant to your business.

Attend networking events or seminars.

Professional seminars are excellent ways to meet other like-minded, driven professionals. You want to choose your seminar carefully to find one that would attract other entrepreneurs with big dreams and goals. Personal development seminars can present prime opportunities to build relationships with goal-oriented individuals.

Participate in a business accelerator program.

Start-up incubators or business accelerator training programs are designed to provide entrepreneurs with strategies and accountability from experienced coaches and mentors. Investing in an accelerator program can fast-track your progress and get you to your goals exponentially faster.

Consider coaching for entrepreneurs.

If you can’t find a quality accountability partner, consider hiring a professional business coach. A good coach has been trained in business psychology, strategy, and accountability tools. Business results coaching is a system of consistently reaching your goals. A coach has experience guiding entrepreneurs to find their purpose, set goals, measure progress and get results fast.

Let this year be the year you finally stick to your goals and transform your business and life. The key to your success is accountability; you’ll get it when you put in the work to find a trusted partner.


If you prefer not to use a close friend or family member as your accountability partner, you might be wondering how to find one. Remember that a successful relationship is reciprocal, so be sure to offer value in return. For tips on finding an accountability partner, check out this infographic.

5 Steps to Find an Accountability Partner Infographic


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