Experience the benefits of gratitude

13 ways gratitude improves mental, physical and spiritual health

We all know people who seem to always find the “silver lining” in life. People who see the glass as half full, no matter the circumstances. What’s their secret? It isn’t that it’s an innate part of their personality, although it may seem that way. Chances are, these people are practicing gratitude.

The gift of gratitude is the antidote to the emotions that, when left unchecked, cause some of our biggest problems in life. And it isn’t just a gift you give yourself – the benefits of gratitude extend to your relationships with your partner, family and friends. Gratitude is even key to your spiritual wellness.

Tony knows the benefits of gratitude well. He’s been a proponent of the benefits of gratitude since his early days, because as he says, “You can’t be angry and grateful simultaneously. You can’t be fearful and grateful simultaneously.” But how exactly does it work – and how does it help us? Hear what Tony has to say about how to be truly grateful in any situation.

Why gratitude benefits us

The brain is our most powerful organ. Our thoughts influence our behaviors, our state and even our physical health. What we focus on in life is what we will experience. As Tony says, “What’s wrong is always available, but so is what’s right.” When you choose to focus on what’s right, the law of attraction ensures that you will receive more of it. When you focus on what’s wrong – you’ll get more of that, too.

The act of being grateful also activates different parts of your brain, including the hypothalamus, which regulates hormones. These chemical reactions have a very real effect on both your mental and physical health. That’s why the health benefits of gratitude have been proven again and again.

Psychological benefits of gratitude

By activating the brain chemicals that make us happy, gratitude can help relieve the psychological and physiological effects of stress.

benefits of gratitude practice

1. Decreased negative emotions

With all that’s going on in the world, it can be tempting to focus on the negative, but when you focus on the positive, the world seems to give you positivity in return. Gratitude creates a feedback loop that reduces toxic emotions like envy, anger and regret. It can also reduce stress – and that leads to many of the other health benefits of gratitude.

2. Increased empathy

The benefits of gratitude go beyond your own emotions – being grateful can actually make you more open to the emotions of others. Studies have shown gratitude increases empathy and therefore changes behavior, including reducing aggression and decreasing the desire to retaliate. Yes, it’s true – gratitude can make the world a better place.

3. Improved outlook

You might think you need to start off as an optimistic person in order to experience the benefits of gratitude, but the opposite is true. Gratitude itself can improve your outlook. It’s been shown to decrease depressive symptoms and even reduce suicidal ideation. It’s no wonder gratitude is often used as part of a larger strategy to treat depression and anxiety.

4. Higher self-esteem

Social media, celebrity news stories and constant advertising can cause us to compare ourselves to others, rather than appreciating the abundance in our own lives. This inevitably leads to envy, resentment and low self-esteem. Gratitude reverses those effects, reducing social comparisons and increasing our life gratification.

5. More inner strength

Think of someone who faces adversity with mental toughness and comes out stronger on the other side. Where do they find that inner strength? They may have discovered one of the psychological benefits of gratitude: better adaptive coping abilities. One famous study even found that gratitude contributed to resilience in the aftermath of 9/11. Even in the worst of circumstances, those who find things to be thankful for can find ways to dig deep and benefit from the strength they discover within themselves.

Physical health benefits of gratitude

In addition to the psychological effects like reduced stress and increased optimism, we also see many amazing health benefits of gratitude.

health benefits of gratitude

6. Better sleep

According to the CDC, one in three American adults doesn’t get enough sleep. That means they’re missing out on proven health benefits like reduced chances of diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Gratitude can help. Those who rate themselves as more grateful report better sleep quality, longer sleep and a greater ability to fall asleep quickly.

7. Heart health

Perhaps it’s the sleep benefits that lead to this proven health benefit of gratitude: Studies have found numerous ways it improves heart health. Benefits include reduced inflammation, lower hemoglobin A1c and better heart rate variability – all indicators of good heart health. In addition to eating a healthy diet and exercising, gratitude may be just what your heart needs to stay strong.

8. More drive to exercise

While studying the benefits of gratitude, researchers got a surprising result: In addition to fewer headaches, reduced nausea and other positives, participants reported increased drive to exercise. And the health benefits of exercise are well-known. Leverage this new inspiration by finding a form of exercise you enjoy and making it a part of your daily routine.

9. Lower blood pressure

In a 2007 study that quickly became a classic, patients with hypertension who “counted their blessings” had lower blood pressure than those who didn’t. In another study, women writing in a gratitude journal for two weeks experienced lower blood pressure than women reporting on their daily activities. That’s right – one of the biggest benefits of gratitude is there for anyone who keeps a journal.

10. Healthier relationships

We intuitively know that friendships and romantic relationships are one of the best parts of life. Gratitude can help you keep those relationships strong. Expressing how thankful you are for your partner improves the quality of the relationship. And showing your friends appreciation can help you win even more new friends. These deep bonds help reduce loneliness and lengthen lifespan – some of the best health benefits of gratitude out there.

Spiritual benefits of gratitude

Spirituality is at the top of the Pyramid of Mastery: one of the most difficult areas of life to master, yet also the most fulfilling. Gratitude can help you get there.

spiritual benefits of gratitude

11. Less jealousy

When you are grateful, there’s no room in your mind for negative emotions like fear, anger and jealousy. You know that you are living in complete abundance. You know you have everything you need. And you know you are in control of your own happiness. What others have doesn’t affect how you feel about your own life. 

12. A connection to the universe

One of the unexpected spiritual benefits of gratitude is that it can make us feel more connected to each other and to the world. It gives us a fresh perspective on our lives, allowing us to find the blessing in every situation and realize that life is happening for us, not to us. It awakens a higher consciousness so that we can connect with the universe on a new level.

13. More drive to give back

Spirituality and contribution are together at the pinnacle of the Pyramid of Mastery. When we feel connected to the universe, we know that we are all one – and we are driven to give back to those less fortunate. Gratitude radiates out from our lives and creates a cycle that touches everyone around us.

Team Tony

Team Tony cultivates, curates and shares Tony Robbins’ stories and core principles, to help others achieve an extraordinary life.

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