Finding meaning in loss
A message of hope and unity from Tony and Sage RobbinsWhen you look around, do you see loss and hardship – or are you able to find the blessing? In tough times, it’s helpful to remember that life is cyclical. History is cyclical. Day follows night. And spring always follows winter.
When we think of loss, it is loved ones that likely first come to mind. We may think of losing a job or a relationship. But loss isn’t only about people or careers we love. We can also experience loss in other ways: loss of the way things were. Loss of our normal routines. Loss of social experiences, visits with friends and family. Loss of hugs and human contact. In typical times, we may not even notice how much we need these things. Yet losing them can cause a reaction similar to the stages of grief.
We’ve all heard these stages: shock, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Not accepting that it’s right or fair, but accepting that it is. But there’s a sixth step no one talks about: Creation. Letting go of the past and creating something new. Whenever we lose something, a new thing is also born, and when we shift our focus and choose to live in the present, no matter what, we can find beauty in the pain.
Tony and Sage sit down for an intimate fireside chat to personally share their own experience and also share a message of hope and unity. Together they tell us how this is a time to move forward, to create, to be able to step into another dimension of who we are. Because what we get will never make us happy; it’s who we become and what we contribute.
Listen to the podcast below to learn:
- Three principles of action that allow you to find the blessing in any situation
- Values we all share and how to use them to find common ground
- How to design a life instead of just making a living
“We are not the manager of our circumstances, we are the creator of our life experience.” – Tony Robbins
About The Fireside Chat Series
In the 1930s and 40s, a time when the country was struggling even more than it is today, we had an amazing leader named FDR. He began doing evening radio programs called “fireside chats,” designed to communicate directly with the American people.
At that time, 90% of people in the U.S at that time had a radio. Today, 96% of people have a cell phone and nearly all have internet access. Instead of being unified and watching all the same things, and having a collective experience, now we’re all kind of separated. And we can see division in our culture. We desperately need a form of unity, a form of connection, more humanity and more kindness in the world.
Tony and Sage thought to bring back this time-honored tradition of a fireside chat as a means of unity and compassion. We’re entering the winter season, drawing inward into our homes and into ourselves, reflecting on the hardships and blessings alike this unique year has brought. In this three-part series, you will hear them dispel their hopes and dreams for you this holiday season, as well as share some of Tony’s powerful tools and strategies to not only survive the coming months, but to step up and thrive.
[00:00:00] Episode/series introduction
[00.00.30] Tony and Sage: Welcome
[00:01:15] Tony talks about the history and power of fireside chats
[00:01:40] Social media magnifies our fears
[00:02:30] COVID-19 has impacted everyone
[00:03:15] Who would have guessed? Tony speaks to his experience with COVID-19
[00:03:46] The impact of COVID-19 lockdowns
[00:05:00] Life is cyclical
[00:06:00] Three things that happen under stress
[00:07:12] Stages of Loss
[00:08:38] The stage of acceptance
[00:08:55] The sixth step no one talks about: Creation
[00:10:14] What stage are YOU in?
[00:10:39] Sage speaks to the stages of loss
[00:11:48] Beauty in pain
[00:12:20] “We are not the manager of our circumstances, we are the creator of our lives”
[00:13:05] Tony pivots in a big way, and the results are magic
[00:14:40] A new way to reach people
[00:15:25] “The quality of your life is where you live emotionally”
[00:16:10] Tony’s top book for tough times
[00:17:05] A peek into Sage’s relationship with her father
[00:18:39] Nothing can truly separate us from those we love
[00:19:30] Home feels different now
[00:20:09] Three principles of action
[00:20:38] “If you will be a blessing, you will be blessed”
[00:21:43] Tony’s personal blessing through COVID-19
[00:22:29] Sage speaks to the magic in the mundane
[00:23:28] What is the unexpected gift in all of this?
[00:24:30] Sage gets to know her neighbors
[00:25:00] “Waves don’t last forever”
[00:26:40] “Suffering is always about ourselves”
[00:27:50] There are two worlds to master, the internal and the external
[00:28:50] Future fireside chats to come
[00:29:09] Your homework from this talk
[00:30:02] From Tony and Sage’s hearts to yours, a thank you
[00:30:47] KK unpacks the fireside chat
[00:33:22] Are we managing our life, or are we the creator of it?
[00:33:44] How do you design your life?
[00:34:40] Tony’s most beloved event: Date With Destiny
Are you managing your life or are you the creator of it? It’s a two-millimeter shift that can change your life. Now is the perfect moment to consciously create the life you want. Discover your purpose and align your actions with your higher calling. Create a compelling future that drives you to be the best you can be. Finding the blessing will set you free to live in a beautiful state.