Can Online Life Coaching Compete with In-Person Sessions?

online life coaching and in-person sessions

Are you ready to make a change in your life? Do you want to live life on your terms? Whether you’re an achiever or hungry for more in life, the fact you’re here means you won’t settle for good or just okay. You want excellence—in your work, in your relationships, in your personal life.

To get these kinds of results, you need a coach. The most successful athletes, politicians and business leaders all have coaches—and you’ll need one, too if you're going to reach the next level. A life coach will push you to live on your own terms. You’ll identify where you are now and where you want to be, and a coach will find ways to close that gap in the shortest time possible by crushing the obstacles in your way.

The truth is, nothing in your life will change until you take action. You have a hunger to grow, learn and expand. That hunger will drive your success, but only when you use it to take massive action. That starts with picking up the phone or logging onto your computer and setting up an appointment with a coach.

Now that you know the value of working with a professional life coach, you might wonder if online coaching is as effective as in-person coaching. You want the most bang for your buck, so which should you choose?

Benefits of In-Person Coaching

Personal or executive coaching will be most effective when you have a strong relationship and good rapport with your coach. A coach is an advisor, friend and supporter who holds you accountable to your goals. Your relationship with your coach is everything.

While you can develop strong interpersonal relationships both virtually and in person, it might be easier and less awkward in the beginning if you are meeting in person. There is a physicality to change, and if getting in your car and driving to a coaching session helps you alter your mindset, then in-person might be a good fit for you.

Social cues are easier to read face to face. You might feel more accountable to a coach that you see in person. For some people, shaking hands and looking a coach in the eye is an important part of a meaningful relationship.

Benefits of Online Coaching

Online coaching is not only effective but has a host of benefits. As technology continues to improve, online coaching sessions are increasingly as good as meeting in person, with more flexibility.

Access to Phenomenal Coaches

While meeting with a coach in person can be valuable, as we emphasized before, the quality of the coach and your relationship with them are the most critical factors. If you are trying to meet in person, you may only have the option of one or two coaches in your town. Even in a bigger city with more coaches, the best ones may have long wait lists and packed schedules.

When you are meeting with an online life coach, your options for coaches are endless. You can find coaches with superior training and extensive experience. Most online coaching also offers a free first session. If you don’t connect with the first coach you meet with, you can try another one.

Research has shown that coaching does not have to be in-person to be effective as long as the coach is skilled and competent at using technology. With such an expansive pool of coaches to choose from online, you’ll be able to find an outstanding coach who is a great fit for you.

Flexibility in Location and Scheduling

When you meet with your coach online, you aren’t limited by 9 to 5 office hours or a physical location. You can meet during your lunch break, first thing in the morning, or even on vacation.

To see massive results in your life, you need a consistent coaching system. Scheduling coaching sessions at a time and place that works with your unique schedule will make it easier to stick to those meetings. When you build consistent patterns of accountability into your life, you will see transformational results in record time.


An online coach doesn’t have the overhead of a coach who has to rent out physical space, and they can take on more clients, meaning that they can pass their cost savings on to you. Meeting with a coach virtually will often be the most affordable option. You can find world-class coaching at very reasonable rates.

Making a Choice

Ultimately, you have to find the best coach for you. Your coach's skills, experience and training, as well as how well you align with them, will matter much more than how and where you meet.

The most important thing is to take that first step and start taking control of your life. There is another level waiting for you. All the things you are looking for—love, joy, fulfillment, financial freedom—are there for you when you can push through the barriers and limiting beliefs holding you back.

Whether you want to strengthen your relationships, lose weight, start a new business, become a better leader, or go after your dream, a coach is the partner you need. A personal life coach will help you stay on track and keep you accountable as you create the life you desire. But you have to take action today and set up that first session; your new life is waiting for you.


Online coaching is effective and offers many benefits. As technology improves, online coaching sessions are becoming just as good as in-person meetings and provide more flexibility. Read on to learn more in this infographic.

3 Online Coaching Benefits Infographic


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