Achieve your peak health. Get expert health advice from Tony
Download nowWe overheard a couple of high school students complaining about how stressed out they were. And sure, we get it — exams, SATs, sports — there’s a lot of pressure on kids. But isn’t it worrisome that stress is such a big factor at such a young age?
A little bit of stress can be a good thing. It can light a fire under you and give you that extra push you may need. It can create the sense of urgency you need to get tasks completed.
But too much stress can have some serious effects on the body and mind. In the short term, it can lead to issues with sleep, anxiety and feelings of overwhelm. Over long periods of time, stress can compromise the immune system, cause heart problems, exacerbate respiratory and gastrointestinal issues and lead to weight gain and depression.
These issues are not unfamiliar to American society. These struggles have helped to create an overmedicated culture. In fact, more than six in 10 Americans routinely take at least one prescription pill a day.
While some causes of pain or anxiety require medication, are we doing enough to meet these ailments at the source? What are we doing to combat stress? How are we being proactive about making relaxation part of our daily routine?
Some relaxation techniques have been shown to significantly reduce stress symptoms as well as provide a number of other health benefits — lowering blood pressure, slowing your heart rate, reducing the activity of stress hormones, increasing circulation, reducing muscle tension, improving cognitive function, enhancing your mood, lowering fatigue, reducing anger and frustration and even boosting your confidence.
You may be familiar with a few of the more common relaxation techniques: mindful meditation, yoga, tai chi or even visualization. But there is one technology that is revolutionizing the way we approach relaxation — making it easier than ever to soothe your entire mind and body. It’s called NuCalm.
What is NuCalm?
NuCalm is an FDA-approved clinical system designed to help your mind and body relax naturally within just minutes.
NuCalm launched in 2009 as the world’s first-and-only neuroscience technology aimed to lower stress and improve sleep. By 2015, the NuCalm therapy system was awarded a patent for “systems and methods for balancing and maintaining the health of the human autonomic nervous system.”
Designed by neuroscientist Dr. Blake Holloway as a way to treat patients with post-traumatic stress disorder, NuCalm works by using biochemistry, physics and neurophysiology to rapidly and reliably relax brain and body functions. No side effects have been reported and no recuperative time or supervision is required.
NuCalm has been proven to improve many situations including:
- Replacing caffeine, naps or sugar during afternoon focus and energy dips
- Helping with daily stress or anxiety relief when used before 7 p.m.
- When preparing for a stressful event, presentation, exam or game
- When learning something new
- Recovering from an injury, operation, illness or hangover
- When you’re having trouble falling or staying asleep
- When you’re experiencing jet lag
With payment plans ranging from $49.99 to $129.99 a month to $499 to $1,299.90 a year, NuCalm is an affordable way to naturally improve your life.
The science behind it
The system calms the brain by bringing alert beta brain wave function down to the alpha/theta ranges.
Beta brain waves are associated with everyday activity. When they are high, they are associated with fear, stress and anxiety.
In order to achieve sleep, your brain needs alpha brain waves to relax. They are considered the first stage of sleep and are associated with relaxation and peacefulness found during deep meditation.
NuCalm brings the patient’s brain waves from beta, or high beta, down to the alpha and theta ranges, guiding the patient’s mind and body into a state of deep relaxation.
How to use NuCalm
NuCalm therapy is based around four key components that work in synergy to bring you into a deep state of calm. It only takes a few minutes to administer these steps. Once started, the patient begins to feel relaxed almost immediately.
Step 1: Topical cream or chews
The first step involves applying a special topical cream or chewing dietary supplements that are designed to counteract adrenaline. NuCalm designed this proprietary formula that includes structured, nutrient-sourced building blocks that work quickly to create a natural relaxation response.
Step 2: Microcurrent stimulation patches
When placed behind the ear, these NuCalm devices have been shown to help facilitate the relaxation response.
Step 3: Headphones
Noise-softening headphones play relaxing music to help bring your brain wave pace to the pre-sleep stages.
Step 4: Eye mask
Light-blocking eye masks are part of the NuCalm therapy system. These masks help the patient avoid visual stimuli and maintain their relaxation state.
The combination of these four components gives you a fully immersive experience, erasing your stress or anxiety and helping you achieve a deeper level of calm.
Who is using NuCalm?
While NuCalm found an immediate market with dental patients who suffered from severe anxiety during appointments, the system is also being used by professional sports teams, including the Chicago Blackhawks NHL team, as well as a number of experts in the fields of oncology, psychotherapy, plastic surgery, addictive disease, medical weight loss and cranial sacral therapy.
NuCalm hasn’t left the dental industry. As of 2021, there have been over 2 million dental surgeries where NuCalm has been used without a reported adverse reaction. Thousands of dentists around the world have replaced IV sedation, oral conscious sedation and nitrous oxide use with the NuCalm system.
NuCalm was mentioned in an article by Business Insider where the man himself — Tony Robbins — shared that he is a big fan of the NuCalm system.
Tony isn’t the only big name using NuCalm. Actress Brooke Burke is among the long list of famous names who believe in the system.
If you have a schedule as demanding as his where time is the ultimate premium, finding an effective way to rejuvenate and refresh your body can be one of the best tools in your arsenal.
Image © bikeriderlondon / shutterstock