Jay Abraham

Jay Abraham
The 9 billion dollar man: Jay Abraham
The marketing legend that has helped over 10,000 businesses find success
Learn moreWho is Jay Abraham?
Jay Abraham is a visionary in the marketing industry. He’s the founder and CEO of The Abraham Group, Inc., which has helped more than 10,000 businesses skyrocket their growth beyond their wildest dreams. He’s a frequent speaker at Business Mastery and conducts private workshops and seminars around the world.
Jay and Tony are pioneers who invigorate and inspire others to improve their lives. They share many of the same philosophies on life and business, and have developed a strong partnership – and friendship. Tony calls Jay “one of my dearest friends and a man I have enormous respect for.” The feeling is mutual.

An impressive innovator
Jay Abraham sees business opportunities that others overlook. He says, “I teach almost any kind of business or professional how to harvest the windfall profit that’s sitting in every business. I teach people how to turn one shot sales into ongoing perpetual streams of income.” How does he do it? “Analyzing, measuring, identifying and then replacing certain under performing aspects of your selling, marketing, advertising and operations with alternatives that perform better.”

An outstanding achiever
Jay Abraham has made his mark as a legendary marketing guru who knows what it takes to become the leader and most trusted source in your market. His business acumen is unrivaled – that’s why more than 10,000 companies are using his principles to run their businesses successfully. He’s been a consultant to some of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time and has earned $20 million in consulting fees by adding value to companies.
Jay has been recognized as a marketing savant by the most trusted business publications. Forbes magazine named him a “Top 5 Executive Coach in the U.S.,” and he has been featured in Success magazine, Inc. magazine, Entrepreneur magazine, on the front page of Investors Business Daily and in the LA Times, the New York Times and other national publications.

A difference maker
Jay has made a difference in businesses around the world – to the tune of $21 billion in business growth. He has earned rave reviews from Daymond John of Shark Tank, best-selling author Dave Asprey, Jeremiah Desmerais, a “Top 40 Direct Marketer Under 40” and many others. Tony himself says, “Most of the marketing consultants that you know the name of – they’ve all been influenced by Jay, including myself.”

What's Jay's secret?
His experience spans all marketing verticals and more than 400 industries. This means he can provide new perspectives that business owners need. He’ll show you how to take essential concepts for success and adapt them to your business to increase profits and reach new heights of wealth and achievement. Jay says, “Every business is engaging in processes they don’t even recognize, let alone measure and analyze.” He’ll identify your underperforming processes and develop a plan for you to better leverage your assets – he’ll find you profits where no one else can.
Businesses that are stuck, stagnating and struggling to survive need Jay’s expertise – but he has also mentored successful companies that want to take their growth even higher. There’s no limit to what you can achieve when you have marketing savant Jay Abraham on your side.

A shared vision
Jay Abraham and Tony Robbins share many of the same values about how to be successful. Tony believes Jay’s principles are fundamental not only to current and future business owners, but also to individuals looking to take the next step in their careers. You can apply them to marketing yourself within your current job so that others see your value.
Jay says, “The first thing I look at is what are you doing that you’re not getting leverage enough out of?” The concept of leverage is familiar to Tony Robbins’ audience as well. You can use your time, connections, achievements and more as leverage to get your business where you want it to be – and to get yourself where you want to be in life.

Innovation and differentiation
Jay says, “What is it about your business that gives greater advantage, greater benefit, greater result to your customer than your competitors?” Tony’s 7 Forces of Business Mastery ask entrepreneurs and business owners these same questions. Tony says says, “If you do something no one else is doing, you have an extraordinary competitive advantage. Over the years, [Jay has] refined that philosophy and he’s the go-to guy now.” You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression – so make it count. Jay can help you do just that.

“I look at Jay as somebody who is a mentor to anybody in business. He’s the premier man when it comes to figuring out unrealized opportunities.”

Tony Robbins
Are you ready to take your business to the next level?
Learn more about Jay Abraham and how he can guide you to unprecedented profits in any industry
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Jay Abraham's books
With vital information and groundbreaking marketing strategies, Jay Abraham’s books are a must-read for any business owner.
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The Entrepreneur's Playbook
In this two-part episode, you will hear an exciting discussion between Tony and marketing expert and business consultant Jay Abraham and learn how a few strategies can dramatically increase your income.
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The Ultimate Entrepreneur Podcast
Each episode features thought leaders, marketing greats and critical information every entrepreneur needs to know.
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50 Shades of Jay
Jay covers everything from PowerPoint presentations to finding quality prospects to mastering the marketing funnel.