We found 336 results containing "beliefs"

Keys to passion in a relationship

Everyone wants passion in a relationship. They want to feel a connection and a sense of intimacy and adventure with their partner. But when you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, it’s natural to start asking yourself: How do I get the passion back in my relationship? What can I do to recover […]

find the blessing

How to take charge of your emotions

Everyone wants to enhance their quality of life. Everyone wants to be more fulfilled. But almost all of us get stuck at times in our limiting beliefs and emotional patterns. We make habits out of feeling frustrated, worried, sad or overwhelmed. This inability to take charge of your emotions prevents you from doing what you […]

Not feeling good enough?

Many Americans struggle with feelings that they are not good enough. Our high-powered culture is competitive and encourages us to look outside ourselves for our self-worth. Magazines show us the ideal body, movies show us unrealistic love stories and television shows us all of the things we could own, if only we had more money. […]

Give yourself the gift of presence

What drives decision making?

“The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you.”  – Tony Robbins Decisions — we make them every day. And with every decision we make (good or bad), […]

change your mindset

How to Change Your Mindset: Personal Transformation

What would you do if you knew you could achieve success just by learning how to change your mindset? That’s what Josh Iris learned after working with a Results Coach. As the president of an electric motor company, Josh was doing pretty well balancing his work responsibilities with his personal life. But he knew there was more […]

how to get out of a rut

How to get out of a rut in life

 Have you ever been stuck in the snow or mud? You dig and dig. You attempt everything you can, but you keep spinning your wheels. That’s how it feels to be stuck in a rut. But it isn’t hopeless. There are specific actions you can take that will retrain your brain, change your mindset and […]

What is biohacking?

You’ve heard of hacking computers, hacking smartphones and hacking email. You’ve even heard of hacking elections. But what about hacking your body? The concept is called biohacking. While it may sound like something out of Brave New World, it’s really all about self-improvement, and there are numerous ways to incorporate methods of biohacking your body […]

How to become a business owner

If you were to take a two-week vacation with your family, how would you spend your time while you were out of the office? What would happen to your business while you were gone? Would you spend the whole time on your phone or laptop answering emails and putting out fires? Is your team unable […]

neuro-linguistic programming techniques

Neuro-linguistic programming techniques

Why do so many athletes use visualization techniques? Why are affirmations and incantations so popular with the health and wellness movement? Why do the most successful entrepreneurs always seem to know something others don’t? It’s not just their confidence. The answer could be something you may not have heard of: neuro-linguistic programming techniques. The difference […]