How to get more done

Are you frustrated because you feel like you’re working toward your goals without seeing results? Whether you’re trying to move ahead in your career, better your health or nurture the personal relationships in your life, you feel like you’ve forgotten how to get things done. Or worse, you’re trying to succeed in all these areas at once and falling short across the board. Even after a long day of accomplishing things, you go to sleep still feeling like there’s so much to do.

How is it that other people in your life are able to do so much, with the same amount of time? These people aren’t inherently more productive – they’re just better at managing the time they do have. You don’t need additional resources to get the results you want; you just need to learn how to be more resourceful.

There are a few proven ways to get more done in your daily life, all of which will enable you to ultimately achieve your goals.

Find your motivation

It’s easy to procrastinate when you feel aimless, especially when you’re working on a task or project that requires you to complete menial tasks in order to reach big results. During these times, it can be tough to remember why you’re putting in so much work. Think of your motivation: What drives you to be better? Do you want to get in better shape so you can remain active for your kids and partner? Are you envisioning starting your own company so you have more financial freedom?

Find the cause that’s at the root of your desires and keep it at the forefront of your mind. Having your ultimate purpose in mind will encourage you to keep working toward your goal, even when it feels like taking a break would be the easier option.

Use time management techniques

As you’re researching ways to get more done, you have to consider alternative time management techniques. There are a variety of methods Tony Robbins uses in his own life to obtain the best possible results:


person highlighting work notes

Chunking is a way to restructure tasks or information into more manageable groups. The best way to chunk is to sort what you need to do by outcome. Look for commonalities in the things you need to accomplish, and sort them accordingly. This makes tasks seem more approachable and will motivate you to get things done.


RPM stands for Tony Robbins’ Rapid Planning Method. Alternatively, the letters stand for being Results-oriented by setting a clear outcome for yourself, Purpose-driven in acknowledging why you want to achieve a certain goal and setting a Massive-action plan by challenging yourself to write down exactly what you need to do to succeed. Ultimately, RPM is more than a time management tool – it’s a system of thinking that enables you to do more with the time and resources you have.

N.E.T. time

person working at a cafe

N.E.T. time stands for No Extra Time! Think of a few things you do every day, like commuting, running on the treadmill or even vacuuming the house. Are you using that time effectively? While doing these mundane tasks, you could be listening to podcasts, reading an insightful e-book or responding to emails. One way to get more things done is to maximize the time you currently do have but might not be using most effectively.

Address bad habits

Be honest with yourself when thinking about where your time goes. Do you really need to watch multiple hours of television each night? Does it benefit you to scroll through social media first thing in the morning when you wake up? Cut down on these bad habits and see how much more time you have to accomplish the things that really matter to you. What if instead of falling into these time traps, you used these instances to work toward a goal, like improving your physical health? In a few months, you certainly won’t miss wasting time on your phone, but you will be proud of the progress you’ve made in the gym.

Don’t beat yourself up over setbacks

You might hit bumps in the road as you head down the path to productivity. As you learn how to get more done, you might fall into old habits or have an unproductive day. These slip-ups happen, but don’t let them dictate your progress. See a mistake for what it is – a minor delay, not a long-term setback. Continue pursuing your goals and use your time wisely. As time passes, you’ll learn how to effectively manage your time and become able to accomplish more.

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