We found 83 results containing "authentic"

How to connect with yourself

It’s easier than ever to get lost in the day-to-day activities and stresses of the external world. Work, relationships, errands – our focus is almost always on anything and anyone but ourselves. For so many of us, it’s a constant effort to please others or be who we think we have to be in order […]

Keys to passion in a relationship

Everyone wants passion in a relationship. They want to feel a connection and a sense of intimacy and adventure with their partner. But when you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, it’s natural to start asking yourself: How do I get the passion back in my relationship? What can I do to recover […]

how to keep your customers happy

How to keep your customers happy

When you hear the words “customer experience,” what comes to mind? Is it a friendly customer service rep? Is it an easy-to-navigate website? What about free shipping or returns?  The most dominant force for a business used to be providing the customer exactly what they needed. It was all about finding a pain point and […]

Improve your tone of voice in communication

It’s not what you say, but how you say it. Tone of voice often means much more than what you say   In his book, The Relationship Cure, Dr. Gottman reveals that when it comes to assessing the meaning of communication in relationships, only 7% of that meaning comes from the spoken word, while 38% comes […]

Ultimate Relationship Guide Header 1

Relationship Guide

Imagine you’ve just bought a brand new car. It’s the car of your dreams, the one you’ve spent so many years dreaming of and wishing for, and you finally bought it! You leave it in the parking lot to go to work and when you get back, you find a SCRATCH. How do you react? […]

How to increase relationship polarity

You couldn’t stand being away from your partner at the beginning of your relationship. You thought about them all the time. You were physically near them whenever possible. Why is that? It’s because there was an initial spark and an enormous sense of passion that was binding you two together. This spark is caused by […]

Jessica Pertuz

As a Tony Robbins Personal Results Specialist, I help identify and inspire my clients to smash through limiting beliefs and negative patterns that have kept them from achieving their maximum potential. I serve my clients at the highest level. My primary focus is to empower and positively impact people to experience massive growth, transformation, authenticity, […]

Jean-François Basse

As a Tony Robbins Results Coach, I love helping people live their most extraordinary and authentic lives. I am all about fueling our lives with passion, love and fun so we can contribute in our own unique ways to create a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthy and joyful world! My mission is to help my […]

leadership skills woman standing at head of conference table speaking

Developing leadership skills

You’re the boss of a company. Lately you’ve noticed that the work is being completed at a steady pace, but you’re noticing a lack of enthusiasm from your team. What do you do? Your first thought might be to talk to your employees or to provide an incentive to boost morale. But your attention is […]