We found 336 results containing "beliefs"

Catalina Patane

As a Tony Robbins Results Coach, I support clients in breaking through the limiting beliefs and patterns that keep them from moving towards their goals. My mission is to help clients live an intentional and fulfilling life on their terms. Whether they are feeling held back in their health, career or relationships – or are […]

Patricia Mayr

As a Tony Robbins Results Coach, my mission is to help clients gain clarity, identify their limiting beliefs and show them how to overcome them. I help transform their lives with tools and strategies they can integrate in relationships, health, business and more to reach the next level. People all over the world long for […]

The power of leverage

The straightforward concept of “leverage” has the power to get you more time, better fitness, career development, business success, financial freedom and relationship contentment. Despite these benefits, most of us don’t utilize leverage in business or personal matters as much as we could. You may lack confidence in your skills and assets, so you fail […]

control your destiny

How to control your destiny

Destiny, fate, karma, serendipity – whatever you call it, the idea that life is determined by powers beyond our control is as old as time. It appears in Greek mythology, ancient Chinese storytelling and in every culture around the world. But what if destiny wasn’t real? What if you could control your destiny? Believing that […]

Why Take Control of the Subconscious Mind

Are you living the life you’ve always wanted? Or have you settled into the status quo? If you’ve hit a plateau, feel stuck in life or know that you haven’t reached your full potential, it’s not too late. You can reprogram your mind to give you the focus and determination it takes to design a […]

gift of growth

Discover the 6 human needs

Why do we do the things we do? Why is it that we measure success and value by attention and status, yet frown upon complacency? What force drives and shapes all of our emotions, actions, quality of life and, ultimately, our destinies? Did you know that the answers to these questions can all be explained […]

Carla Helferich

As a Tony Robbins Results Coach, I live out my purpose of guiding others in their journey to the life they desire. Supporting you in developing a new personal vision and identity, detecting and scrambling limiting beliefs, replacing patterns that do not serve you and creating Massive Action Plans to make your dreams a reality […]

how to stop making excuses

How to stop making excuses

Making excuses is a natural human response – we are social animals, and we care what others think about us and want to fit in. Rather than face uncomfortable conversations and feelings, we make excuses and avoid responsibility. People who make excuses may feel happy in the moment, because they’ve avoided a bit of pain. […]

why do I have bad luck with everything

Why do I have bad luck?

People have been asking themselves, “Why do I have bad luck?” since the beginning of time. Various cultures use shamrocks, rabbits feet, horseshoes and jade to ward off bad luck. We recite sayings and prayers. We avoid the number 13. We participate in odd superstitions: Tiger Woods always wore red shirts on the last day […]

How to get what you want

When you’re not getting what you want out of life, you’re not living up to your values and passions. As frustrating as it is, feeling discontent is actually your first step up. Wanting more out of life drives you to pursue bigger and better accomplishments. And when you’re clear on what drives you, you can […]