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Date With Destiny

Rekindle the spark

Transforming relationships at Date With Destiny

Posted by: Team Tony

Even the most passionate relationships still have room for growth.

Despite having no tension in their relationship, Melissa and Linda Etheridge attended Date With Destiny ready to go deeper. While there, Tony explained the three dimensions of a relationship and necessary steps to reach its most passionate, fulfilling level. A concept that transformed Melissa, and the relationship.

Before Date with Destiny, Melissa had been afraid to be responsible for Linda’s feelings and needs, having already experienced a failed marriage. When Melissa learned to focus on Linda’s needs and her own, she discovered new level depth of connection. This depth gave them a stronger bond, a better understanding, and a new unconditional love neither of them expected.

“You must come! If there is a spark that is alive in you, that spark will turn into a flame.

Watch the video below to hear more about Melissa and Linda’s story



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