One of the most fascinating subjects at Date with Destiny is polarity – the masculine and the feminine. It’s the key to creating lasting passion in a relationship, and to establishing not just love, but a deep intimate connection with your partner.
For many couples, the passion and excitement that was once present in the beginning of the relationship fizzles over time. So while they may still have plenty in common, and enjoy doing things together or even share loving moments, they don’t have the electricity and magnetism that they desire.
Why is this story so familiar? In many cases, it comes down to polarity. Because under certain circumstances, men and women will put on the mask of the opposite energy. For example, when stressed, women put on masculine energy as a protection source. And if she is with a masculine male, then the opportunity for passion and connection is non-existent.
To help you understand the role of the masculine and feminine energies, and how to break out of the masks and help yourself and your partner get back to the true self, we are sharing an exclusive look at a previous Date with Destiny event. In this episode, you will witness Tony’s work with a couple struggling to regain the polarity in their relationship, and how a few simple shifts in perspective and beliefs help them achieve an intimacy and connection that brings true fulfillment and happiness to their lives.
[1:28] An introduction to polarity
[3:00] Mike’s vision for his relationship
[5:30] Nikki’s vision for the relationship
[8:15] Rewarding your partner disproportionately
[12:15] How Nikki and Mike lost polarity
[13:30] Tony helps Nikki find her feminine core
[14:45] Tony helps Nikki allow her partner in
[18:30] Shifting from the head to the heart
[21:35] The needs that have been driving Nikki
[25:00] Tony presses Nikki to spur her husband into action
[29:00] Nikki begins to learn how to reveal her core self
[34:00] Life can happen for you, not to you
[37:00] What real masculinity is
[38:00] Breaking through
[40:20] True masculinity never gives up
[41:20] What is real presence
Keeping the spark alive – Do all relationships have to lose the spark that set them burning? Not at all. Here’s how to change up negative patterns and fan those flames.
Words matter: “You” vs. “I” – By swapping I-statements for you-statements, you will be able to communicate more effectively, respectfully and compassionately with your partner.
Why we all need pain – The pain after a breakup can lead to immense suffering, but it can also be an opportunity for tremendous growth and love.