The power of love
Sage Robbins and Mary B. on divine energy, forgiveness and unconditional loveWe’re all here together in this Earth School learning, doing the best we can, making mistakes, picking ourselves back up. The soothing balm that keeps us going is often another’s kindness, caring, connection and love. The power of love is truly transformational.
Love and connection are some of our deepest human needs, but we don’t just need to receive love – we also need to give it. Listen as Sage Robbins talks with Mary B. about the essence of love, coming into awareness of her own divine energy and finding her identity not only as a mother, but as a student of our Earth School. Experience the journey that Mary B. and Sage took to motherhood, filled with excitement and challenge, awe and wonder, and deep gratitude for the divine energies that guided them both to sponsor life.
Love is universal
Mothers are one example of unconditional love, but they’re far from the only people capable of this amazing quality. Love is universal and has many faces. If you think of any great mother, real or archetypal, they have a capacity to love unconditionally – to accept, to allow, to give, to understand, to listen, to nurture. A mother’s love brims with compassion and mercy. Even when their beloved has behavior that may be less desirable, there’s still a universal knowingness and a loving essence for the human heart before them. Yet we all have this innate ability to give the power of unconditional love.
Sage says, “It’s beautiful to recognize the divine attributes that we’re all born with.” Love, compassion, empathy, mercy, nourishment, acceptance, forgiveness. “It’s our nature when we are in our essence to offer that love.” And while many think of love as feminine energy, the truth is that it is both masculine and feminine – it is divine.
Mother energies are universal. Because it takes both grit and grace, both fragility and fierceness, both physical and spiritual strength, to sponsor life.
Love is both giving and receiving
Giving love has always come naturally to Sage, but there was still room for growth. She says, “I looked at motherhood as an extension, a giving, but I didn’t see the receiving part of it.” Her trouble becoming a biological mother brought her on an unexpected path – one that took her back to her own wholeness.
Sage realized that the power of love wasn’t just for others, but also for herself. That taking care of herself was equally important. That she could not pour from an empty cup. She says, “I stumbled upon, through grace, the gift of mothering and nourishing my own self.”
Love has no terms
Sage and Mary B. also talk about the ever-evolving model of what a family looks like. There are blended families, chosen families, those who come into your life for a period of time and have a meaningful impact. In today’s world, family is a choice. A constellation. There are different ways people are stepping into what it looks like to be a mother, a father, a parent. Because motherhood is so much larger than the identity of mother.
Through the modern family they created without expectation or labels, they shepherd along their beautiful daughter as she experiences things for the first time. Witnessing her curiosity and how she navigates these experiences, they, in fact, are schooled daily and grow through the mirror their daughter provides for each of them.
As we celebrate Mother’s Day in all its forms, biological or chosen, traditional or modern, structured or free flowing, during peace or war, let us remember with gratitude the miracle of life we are all so lucky to live.
There’s a beauty to life. The mess of it, and the sweetness of it, and the pain of it. And so, it’s not to say that there aren’t challenges and that there isn’t pain in moments like right now with what’s happening on the world stage. But we can contribute to the schism, or we can be a balm. We can be a balm of kindness, and goodness, and look to bring love, light, illumination, presence, connectedness, to be an ear to listen. It’s amazing how that can shift another’s world. I know what it feels like for me to receive that. I know what it feels like to offer that. And I think that’s a beautiful reality that sometimes in the busyness of life, we can forget how impactful in a moment we can touch another. That we can reach another. That we can move another. That we can remind each other because we’re mirroring each other and as we’re offering that we’re experiencing that. Everything that I’m saying to you in this moment, it’s really all selfishly for myself. Life is such a beautiful house of mirrors. We’re all reflecting each other.
-Sage Robbins
[2:00] Sage Robbins on “sponsoring life”
[7:38] Mary B. & Sage on masculine and feminine energies and archetypes
[13:58] On a mother’s unconditional love
[14:56] In birth as in death
[17:49] The teacher becomes the student
[18:11] Tony pops in studio
[23:10] Nurturing/Mothering of self
[28:45] “You have influence over your children but you don’t have control” -Tony Robbins
[31:37] The Serenity Prayer
[35:08] Hello, I’m alive! We’re spinning on this planet, and my heart is beating!
[36:10] Social media shifts when
[37:22] As Ken Wilber would say, it’s “grit and grace”
[38:28] Be a balm in this world
[39:31] Sage and Mary B’s personal journey to motherhood
[44:51] Kahlil Gibran on children
[46:40] What’s the meaning of life? And other big questions
[47:16] Modern families and unique constellations
[50:42] Divine energies
[52:28] A newborn’s innate intelligence
[55:25] Magda Gerber and the RIE school of thought
[58:20] The label vs. The experience
[1:03:03] Happy Mother’s Day to all